Blauwalg alarm: Voorlopig is kajakken in Aalst niet toegestaan. In Denderleeuw geldt een waarschuwing om extra voorzichtig te zijn.

The Outsider



No flimsy bullets to shoot with in this super tense fighting game, but cool infrared beams. Armed with realistic infrared weapons, we try to defeat the enemy in every mission. A game full of fun and adrenaline. Like it or not: you get sucked in... Teamwork, consultation and communication soon appear to be essential.

Various missions are played where everyone can fully deploy his tactical insights. Can your team bring all missions to a successful end? Fun and adrenaline guaranteed!

  • Duration
  • Price
    €35 p.p.
  • Participants
    Min. 10 participants
  • Extra info
    from 7 years old
  • Clothing

    Sport clothes that can get dirty
    Sturdy (sports) shoes

Online reservation and payment required via the booking form below. For more information you can also contact us by phone.

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