Blauwalg alarm: Voorlopig is kajakken in Aalst niet toegestaan. In Denderleeuw geldt een waarschuwing om extra voorzichtig te zijn.

The Outsider

City Game


Ready to discover and taste Aalst in a fun way? In this fun city game, you will be immersed in the lively city culture. In small groups we cross the city and with the help of various instructions and road books you make your way through the carnival city par excellence! Mysteries, fun tasks and puzzles eventually lead to a winner, who may from then on call himself an onion in heart and soul! 

  • Duration
  • Price
    € 35 p.p.
  • Participants
    from 12 people onwards
  • Extra info
    Monitor mandatory
  • Clothing

    Comfortable clothing
    Sturdy (walking) shoes

Online reservation and payment required via the booking form below. For more information you can also contact us by phone.

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